Congratulations to the festival and event staff of City of Greater Dandenong for another amazing Australia Day Festival this year! It was a vibrant, chilled out festival, with things happening for everyone, on every level. The generosity of the City of Greater Dandenong Council in funding the event, providing high quality, interactive activities that are free or low cost, is very much appreciated by all. It makes me very proud to be a resident of Dandenong and to belong to and be part of such a welcoming, vibrant, and fun community. Kindergym Victoria was delighted to be able to share our unique equipment and set-up with so many happy and friendly people! Well done to Marina, Vera and all your crew. We look forward to working with you again.
You can view photos of the event, with a few gorgeous ones of our Kindergym set-up on City of Greater Dandenong’s Facebook Album ‘Australia Day 2017’
Image Source: City of Greater Dandenong, Facebook Albums ‘Australia Day’