What do you love best about Kindergym?
There’s a lot that we love about Kindergym! We love that the class structure is so flexible as it allows the kids to work at their own pace and be involved in the group activities when they want to or go off and play independently when they don’t. The environment is also very laid back and supportive which is perfect when you’re learning to manage two kids.
What do the girls love best about Kindergym?
Ava loves being able to climb anything and everything! She also loves swinging and crab walking along the parallel bars. Imogen loves observing and copying all of the bigger kids in all that they do, especially climbing the wooden A-frame.
What is your fave parenting tip?
One thing that’s working quite well for us at the moment is making sure we rotate our toys and books and never have too many out at a time. The girls get easily overwhelmed with too many options and love to rediscover things that I’ve hidden away in a cupboard for a few months.
Your favourite thing about our Kindergym space:
The fact that there’s an adjoining tea room that the girls can have a snack and an extra play in afterwards. It’s nice to be able to stay and chat with other parents afterwards for those very few moments that the girls are sitting still to eat.
Your favourite thing about your girls?
Ava has a massive heart with a very nurturing soul. She loves to try and take care of all of us by bringing us our favourite drinks throughout the day. Imogen has an incredible sense of humor for an infant and is always trying to make us laugh. Her current favourite game is throwing all of our clothes out of our drawers while we’re trying to put them away.
What is your fave family meal?
Teriyaki salmon with vegetables is one of the main meals that all four of us enjoy.